G./F. (scenanvisningar/stageconstructions) @Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Huddinge, 2019. Public artwork. A site specific art installation @The University Hospital Karolinska Huddinge in two staircases.
The starting point for my idea was the building project's working name; C. H. O. P. I. N. (which stands for the initials, Centrum Huddinge Operation Intervention.)
I took the letters in C. H. O. P. I. N. further to tell the story about the composer Fryderyck Chopin (1810 - 1849) and the writer George Sand (1804 - 1867)
Their encouterings, Chopin's walks in the Tuileries, Paris and his steps taking the stairs to the mezzanine the level and the home where he lived the last part of his life.
The spatial location, two stairwells, are parallel in the outer parts of the hospital's new construction. One part faces a green area/park, and the other part faces the older hospital building. Both stairwells are in the link between the old hospital and the new extension for surgery, X-ray, and intervention. Their high narrow architectural
form brought my thoughts to a cathedral and a theater stage, where each floor could be thought to represent a chapter or scene in a play.
The other parts of the installation are fragments taken from history, an engraving from 1671 which is a map of the Tuileries in Paris, transformed into a pattern, where each shape and surface reflects a room to enter with the eye. A mirror that is an enlarged detail from the map and a text consisting of correspondence between Chopin and George Sand. A leftover piece of a wall in a park. Parts that form a whole in two stairwells. I worked with themes that dealt with love, movement, life and mortality.
Human elements of conditions and different phases of life. The material throughout has been glass, so also in the photographs and the graphic appearance in the photographs. In the glass there is both fragility, strength and transparency, for me this corresponds to how it can feel to be in an environment such as a hospital.
O-Huset, trapphus A / The O-house, staircase A

Nohant, handblown glass and steel. A replica from 1830, a venetian murano chandelier
The original hangs in George Sands residence in Nohant, France.

detail of Nohant

Installation view

Installation view

Fragment (2018-06-26,11.01.55, Saint Cloud, Ile-de-France, Hauts-de-Seine, France)
C-print mouted on glass
O-Huset, trapphus B / The O-house, staircase B

Basement Floor: Je fais une balade (Jag går på en promenad) #1, digital c-print silikonmonterad på Optiwhite glas, (60x230 cm) 2019

Fourth Floor: Je fais une balade (Jag går på en promenad) #2, digital c-print silikonmonterad på Optiwhite-glas, (60x273 cm) 2019

Sixth Floor: Je fais une balade (Jag går på en promenad) #3, digital c-print silikonmonterad på Optiwhite-glas, (90x150 cm) 2019

Installtion view, Detalj