WORKS 1990-2024
Eternal, apart
Goods in the hold of the ship
Take everything you can carry in your hands.
Forget, nothing.
The Pergamon Project
..sitting with his wife and two children in a Citroen CX Pallas Turbo
Chevrolet Impala Custom
Self Portraits as a nurse on
Malmskillnadsgatan, ("If they move kill’ em")
Self Portrait as a nurse, 1998/2024
Self Portraits (1991-1994)
Self Portrait in a costume made for tourists. (1998)
Self Portraits (2003-2023)
But since some Industry must be
EXHIBITIONS ( selection)
DOM, Gallery ID:I, Stockholm, 2024
Victory over the Victory, @Köttinspektionen, Uppsala, 2024
Self Portraits 1991-92, Seven Rooms and a Garden: Rashid Johnson and The Moderna Museet Collection, Moderna Museet, Stockholm SWE 2023-24
Self Portraits, 1991-92, Insights @Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 2022
IDÈ:IDAG @Konstnärshuset, 2022
Intervention (do not interrupt me) @Gallery ID:I, 2021
Body of Care & Control @Köttinspektionen, Uppsala, 2019
50/50 @Walla Scen, Sthlm, 2011
G./F. (stagedirections) @Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge, 2019
Stairs with a balcony, 2016 proposal
The Departure (2000-2003)
The Making of Madonna, 1995
Intervention (nu ska du inte avbryta mig/now do not interrupt me)
SOLO Exhibition, Gallery ID:I, Stockholm, SWE. october-november 2021
Installation, photography, painting and performance, Teach me mother.
A body of work and installation of objects and images, intertwined with chapters of historical events, narratives, folksongs and of personal memories of the artists life.
Den som vill skära i glas, måste hava diamant, - en skulptur-byggnad, en process och ett performance/Anyone who wants to cut glass, must have a diamond - a sculpture-building, a process and a perfomance. The installation consists of, two re-used podiums, mirrors, glass, wheatgrain, LED-lamp, handblowned glass (a detail from the replica of George Sands chandelier in Nohant, France) inkjet print of a screenshot depticting Jacqueline Kennedy in the car with President John F Kennedy minutes before the assassinations 1963 in November the 22nd, a graphite drawing of an ancient tempel.
Overview, installation
Onkel Vanja, Sonja, Lilla Sputnik, acrylic on canvas, 2021 , Right: Leviathan, acrylic, pastell, chalk on window roll-up, 2021
Installation view
The samaritan, acrylic on canvas on wood, 2021
De ogjorda/The undone, c-print, plexiglas, 2021